Common Errors

Incorrect nonce error when sending a transaction in MetaMask

You will encounter this error when the local nonce stored in your MetaMask wallet is different from the nonce in the Scroll testnet node. It could be because there is a recent pending transaction.

To fix this issue, you need to reset your account in MetaMask for the Scroll Sepolia Testnet. The steps to reset the account are:

  1. Open the MetaMask extension in the browser
  2. Select Scroll Sepolia Testnet in the top area
  3. Click the round account icon in the top-right corner
  4. Select Settings
  5. Go to Advanced
  6. Click Reset account

You will not lose any assets during the MetaMask account reset.

Nothing happens when confirming a bridging/swapping transaction

If no error or console logs appear, this is likely due to a nonce issue, please reset your MetaMask account as outlined above at #incorrect-nonce-error-when-sending-a-transaction-in-metamask.

Block Explorer shows “Internal server error”

Use an incognito window, or open your browser developer console and remove the _explorer_key cookie (or all cookies). See this guide for how to remove cookies.

Sending max amount of Ether in MetaMask results in a “Failed” error

When sending Ether using MetaMask, if you try sending the “Max” amount, it’s going to result in a “Failed” error. This is because MetaMask doesn’t account for the additional “L1 Fee” that rollups have on top of regular gas fees and falls short for a small amount needed to pay for the gas of the transaction.

To solve this, manually lower the amount of ether to be a little smaller than suggested and the transaction will go through.

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