A block is a collection of transactions and links to the previous block it extends.
Block Header
The block header in Scroll mirrors the structure of Ethereum’s. However, certain fields in the block header have been modified to accommodate the Layer 2 context, as detailed in the following table:
Field | Description |
parentHash | The hash of the parent block. |
uncleHash | Always keccak256(rlp([])) . |
coinbase | Fees are collected to the pre-deployed fee vault contract address 0x5300000000000000000000000000000000000005 . In most cases, the RPC return field "miner" is the zero-address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 . |
stateRoot | The root hash of the state trie. It is the Poseidon |
transactionsRoot | The root hash of the transaction trie. |
receiptsRoot | The root hash of the transaction receipts trie. |
logsBloom | The data structure containing event logs. |
difficulty | Always 1 or 2. |
number | The block number. |
gasLimit | The maximum gas allowed in the block. |
gasUsed | The gas used in the block. |
timestamp | The block time. |
extraData | Signature by the block’s signer, followed by arbitrary additional data. |
mixHash | Always 0. |
nonce | Always 0. |
baseFee | Currently empty in Scroll because we haven’t enabled the EIP-1559. |
Block Time
Block time refers to the interval between two consecutive blocks. In Scroll, the block time is set at 3s. A reduced block time elevates the user experience and augments the Scroll chain’s scalability.
The 3-second block time is maintained on a best-effort basis, it is not guaranteed or enforced by the protocol.